Most of the members of Friends of Castlewood Canyon live in the communities surrounding Castlewood Canyon State Park and they are passionate about our mission of protecting, preserving and promoting the Park. But participation in our Organization extends beyond our mission. We are FRIENDS. We are supportive of one another and the many interests that flourish at the Park, and we have FUN!
While the majority of our membership are also registered CPW volunteers, there is no requirement to volunteer in order to be a member. Membership keeps you informed and allows your ideas and opinions related to the Park to be voiced at membership meetings. If you love Castlewood, if you benefit from hiking, rock climbing or wildlife viewing at Castlewood, membership is right for you!

Margaret Brinker
Friends of Castlewood Canyon is very proactive in supporting the Park. Particularly, in the past, by raising money to purchase adjacent properties and improve the visitor center. Even though my husband and I have not physically helped with these projects, we feel our dues and other donations always go to good use.

Ron Claussen
As a former Interpretive Ranger at the Canyon, I recognize that Friends of Castlewood Canyon provides essential support to the interpretive aspects of Castlewood. One goal is to infuse our love for Castlewood into the many visitors.

Karen Sisson
We are quickly losing our wild places. By becoming a member of the Friends of Castlewood Canyon, you can be a part of a group that is doing, and has done, something about it. Friends is instrumental in introducing people to the beauty, wonders and history of Castlewood Canyon and the plants and animals that call it home.

Susan Williams
Joining Friends of Castlewood Canyon is a great way to connect with people in our community and raise awareness of the many Park projects supported by Friends. Without financial and operational support from Friends, many of the Parks educational programs and amenities would not exist.